Monday, May 23, 2005

New School, New City, New Home...

Well, I went to Cincinnati this last weekend to find an apartment for myself and my cat, Juna Bast. Dad, Janeen, and Kathy went on this great adventure with me. We went and toured several apartments, the battery in the suburban had to be replaced (oh, that was fun), and we saw the outside of several apartments. If I was the apartment industry I would always have hours on saturday (but that is just me). We found several that were ok, but none that I could call home. One place seemed perfect until they let us know they were animal haters. So now the great adventure will resume on Tuesday. It better end on Tuesday since this weekend I am in Iowa and the next two after that I am in Hawaii. We have found several more apartments we can look at on Tuesday that look promising. I will of course keep everyone posted.

Well, this is the last monday of my life at IUPUI. It is the start of the last week of my work at the lab. I am excited but also (of course) sad. I have spent three years here and while I am ready to leave, I will still miss it. Many things have changed since the first day I worked here but isn't that just the nature of life. Change.

Ok, enough of the sappy stuff.
Have fun,


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