Monday, May 01, 2006

Oh, time passes with only the slightest breeze...

Ok, so I kinda got caught up in my life there for a little while. I went through last quarter being hell on wheels-but passing and being able to move on-to this new quarter, which while shaping up to be soo much better than last quarter, is so time consuming. I started in Simon Newman's lab and most of my experiences run four to five hours-if not longer. Until today I had classes everyday until noon, so needless to say some days I got to leave at 5 pm, others I got to leave at 8 pm. Now I am done with one of my class-Pathogenic Mycology. I now know more about fungus than I really ever wanted to know. If you want to see gross pictures I am the one to come to. Really-nasty.

I am also in Immunology of Disease, but that class is the whole quarter. Also I am in Pathogenic Mechanisms-it not only covers fungus, but bacteria and viruses. I will know a lot about disease after this quarter-but then again that is the basis of my PhD program. Go figure.

I am looking forward to be able to actually play World of Warcraft some this week. I have not played really since I got my new laptop (more on that in a second). I have checked my mail and showed some people at school what the game looks like but I have not actually played it in almost three weeks. Ugh. I am now a level 41 priest but it seems that everyone is ahead of me. I really want to be able to play with everyone else. All well, there will be plenty of time for that when I get through with my classwork. Then everyone better watch out because I will be a dinging machine.

Ok, so my Dad is a wonderful person and gave me a used laptop from his work over christmas break. It was a very good laptop and I brought it to school with me everyday and did all my work on it. I also have a desktop at home that I do a lot of other stuff and I also back up all of my work-well at least that was the plan. Then the new quarter started and I got caught up in it. I didnt save anything from last quarter or the beginning of this quarter on my desktop-big mistake.

First, I just want to comment on the fact that my cell phone died. Oh, it happend about April 8. I had to get a new one that day since, as people who really know me know, I cannot live without a cell phone-especially since I do not have a land line.

Ok, back to the laptop story. I was going along on my way when one morning my laptop decided not to turn on. Well, ok, it turned on, and then refused to find the hard drive. This happened on April 12. I thought for a while that it was ok. I dont need a laptop. Until I learne that in Simon's lab, the desktop computer actually belongs to his graduate student-who is leaving soon. That means no more computer in the lab. I dont know if people know what science is like, but a lot of it occurs on the computer. And I also am still in very writing intensive classes that demand a lot of time looking things up online. I am also at school anywhere between 8 and 12 hours a day. Not much time to do work at home on my desktop. Don't get me wrong. I love my desktop. Unfortuneatly (yes I know I spelled that wrong) I cannot carry my desktop to and from school.

So I went to Indy and had Matt pick me out a laptop that would last me my time in graduate school. I wanted something that I would be able to use and not have to worry about. And, people who know me should already know, I am a technology whore. I will freely admit that. I got Toshiba Qosmio. Look it up and bask in the glory that is my laptop. I am so protective of it. The only time I let it out of my site is if I know that the room that it is in has at least one person I trust in it or the door locks. Other than my car it is the best purchase I have made for myself. I treasure everything that my parents get for me, but as I think most people will attest, there is a difference between something that you buy yourself and something given to you. I treasure all my possession (as a true technology whore does) but I get a little thrill knowing I bought this with my hard earned credit (which I am paying off with my hard earned money).

Ok, so sometimes I am not the most responsible person in the world. But I am paying off my debt and I am only 23. Anyways, as my parents have said in the past-it is only money. Hehehe. Now if only I had more of it.

Ok, I hope that this makes up for the fact that I haven't posted in ages. I would say that I will post more often now that my life is returning to a sane pace but who knows what is around the corner.

Tool album out tomorrow-10,000 days,