Sunday, July 02, 2006

Nice and quiet on the homefront...

I love coming home and having a nice and relaxeful time. We had a small party last night and it was nice. Nothing too taxing or wild or crazy. I didnt have to police people like I have in the past. It was at my parents house and I always get so protective of their stuff, because it isn't mine and I would feel like crap if anything ever happened to it. But, no it was very nice and easy to clean up. I got to chat with some friends I havent been able to see much of recently because of living in Cinci. I miss my friends. We use to hang out every weekend and have parties but now not so much. I think that life just keeps on changing despite ourselves and people change with it. I am ok with that and not. I love the fact that new people come into my life and they bring new and exciting experiences. But I also mourn the fact that others leave my life or at least are not as big in my life as they once were. I can be very rational about the whole thing and know that it is just the constant flow of life that constantly surrounds and buffers us. Other times I want to battle and rage with the unfairity (new word??) of it all. How dare life not do exactly as I want it? But then something happens and I realize that life is not doing anything to me or for me, it just is. And sometimes things happen that make me so completely happy, at least for a little while that I wouldnt give up the randomness of life.

Ok, now I have to eat so bye bye,


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