Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New Patches bring new mayhem...

Today the new patch came out for World of Warcraft. It was lots of fun. My guild plus guildies from friend guilds took me to my first raid in Upper Black Rock Spire. I had a blast. Being a priest, all of my concentration was on healing people, but since Grueslayer (60 priest), was also in the group I was not the main healer and was able to learn more about what it means to be a healer in a large group. I can't wait to do more. I like questing alone. There is some glee to be found in being able to bring down a foe on your own. At the same time, being in a group, a team if you will, all working on the same goals, there is also glee. I have leveled in the game mostly on my own (with help from time to time from my guildies) but now I am getting to the point that I can no longer just play alone. I will of course have alts that I start to play, especially when I only have quests with Juldia that involve others, but getting this far with my main char brings a certain happiness. I have accomplished this. Yes it is just a game, but it is also more than that. My friend Eric asked if WoW is a good thing or a bad thing. People have died playing this game, relationships ended, lives destroyed. But at the same time friends have been made and bonds forged. It is a release for me that is very important with all the other shit going on in my life. Before I started playing this game, I had a relatively small local group of friends. Now I have friends all around the world, including England and Australia (yippee for Ken now having his valor headset). I can speak with them and not care about phone bills. I can be with my sister, who I love very much, but not live in the same city. Somewhere along the way, WoW has become very much my extended family. I love my guild, Wrath of Hachiman, and am happy that it is growing into such an amazing thing. I will of course still have those days that only sleep and shouting can cure, but there will of course be the others that killing a murloc or two will bring a smile to my face.

I was sick this last weekend and in Indy at my parents place. It was a fun time even though I sleeped most of it. Sometimes even the crappiest days can still be good. Hopefully the rest of the week at work won't be as crappy as today was. I think I almost jabbed my eyes out several times but that is to be expected. People are people and sometimes I just hate people. They can be rude and mean and not very empathetic. I know I am being vague and random but eh, I feel like it. All well, time for me to sleep again so I can wake for another day.



At 6/22/2006 6:31 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

I am glad that you are finally high enough to hang out with "the big kids" and look foward to you experiencing ZG and the like. I would be cool if the first time I do MC you are there right by my side. :)

At 6/23/2006 10:03 AM, Blogger Julie said...

That would be so awesome!


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