Thursday, June 15, 2006

We never really know what is going to happen in the next second...

I always seem to think that my life is all figured out and I know what direction I am going in and then something happens to slap me awake. I am going to be doing another lab rotation this summer. I am meeting with the prinicpal investigator today so I will post when I know more but I hadn't planned on doing three rotations. For what it is worth, at the beginning of both of my other two I thought I would be staying in the labs. It is not uncommon for students to have to do multiple rotations. In fact, in my program you have to do at least two since we are made up of the Pathology Department and Internal Medicine Department. I did my first rotation with Dr. Joan Cook-Mills, who is now at Northwestern University in Chicago. I am currently rotating in Dr. Simon Newman's lab. I am happy here. But I may not be able to stay. Research is not a cheap venture and having graduate students is definetly not cheap. Dr. Newman is not sure if he can keep me. So now I go forth to find a new lab and start all over again with meeting new people and learning new techniques.

I like what I do, I don't think the next forty-fiveish years would look so appealing if I did not. However, I am not into politics. Oh, I will agrue them for the fun of it and they can piss me off. But overall I don't pay attention to them. I don't watch the news except for the Daily Show and I keep away from the internet news. It just doesn't seem worth all the upset to me.

But now I am concerned. Isn't that just how it always is, people aren't bothered to do anything until it affects them. And yes I am grouping myself in that so unsocially accepted group. I don't volunteer, I don't donate money to worthy causes, and I ignore the news around me. For the most part, little snipets do make their way to me. Like I said, I do watch the Daily Show. And people talk and I think Ann Coulter is a bitch and I do listen.

Where am I going with this? I need a person in the white house that supports research funding. This directly impacts everyone but especially me since I work in research. I can't save people through finding a cure for something if I have no funding. Think on that for a while. (Just wanted to note that I did vote and will continue to do that because it is extrememly important)

Ok, off my soap box for now. I am almost 52 in WoW. It is exciting. I love my guildies, they are the best. Wrath of Hachiman Rules! Though the latest member's discussion about me is a little disturbing. LOL.

I am at work waiting for my S.cerevisiae to opsonize so that I can add it to a macrophage monolayer to see how many of the yeasts are taken up by the cells. Sounds exciting doesn't it.

I do sometimes wonder why I didn't go into Psychology. Of course, to be able to prescribe drugs I would have had to go to med school and at this point nothing could make me become a med student. They really piss me off. They are all so cocky and think that graduate students are sooo beneath them. But of course I can see their side of it and I guess if I was going to be cutting into people I would hope that I was cocky because second guessing yourself is not a luxury they have because people die.

I am a philosopher though. I never will stop being that. It is one of the reasons I can look at multiple sides to things and see how others might react. That and I am an empath. Not to the point that I can truly sense another's emotions, but I am really good at reading people, which comes from years of watching. I can also put myself in their place, not exactly of course since no one person is the same, but enough that I can get a sense of what they feel. I try to help either by saying something or just being there. I am also a pisces. Supposedly, that means I am sensitive and caring. And sometimes I really am. And sometimes I am a bitch.

Ok, I must get back to work now, bye bye,


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