Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Blog for a new me

So I started a new blog today about running. I am going to attempt to start running. I have all but abandoned blogging because I just cant get into it but maybe this time I will. I read other people's blogs about running so maybe I can do one also.

Anyways, the likeliness of me posting here are slim, but you never know what I might do.



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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Its been some time

I havent posted in a while. Its amazing how life changes. I am working in viral vaccines at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. I am dating a wonderful man that lives in Rochester, NY part of the year and Vermont the other part of the year. One of these days I hope to go back to school and get my Master in Nursing and become a Nurse Practitioner.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Something must be in the air...

My head is pounding. I have been in a foul mood since I woke up Tuesday morning. I slept for 12 hours last night and could have probably slept longer if I didnt have work. I didnt care about the traffic this morning or the rain. In fact I wish the weather was worse to match my mood. I just dont know. Well, that aint true, I know from where some of my bad mood is coming from but the rest of it, eh, I really dont care. It has been a while since I have been angry or upset. I have been happy for the last couple of weeks. I actually think I missed being pissed off. What does that say about me? Oh well, I cant really gather the energy to care. It will power my workout tonight though. I always work harder when I want the world to just go away or whatever.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Nice and quiet on the homefront...

I love coming home and having a nice and relaxeful time. We had a small party last night and it was nice. Nothing too taxing or wild or crazy. I didnt have to police people like I have in the past. It was at my parents house and I always get so protective of their stuff, because it isn't mine and I would feel like crap if anything ever happened to it. But, no it was very nice and easy to clean up. I got to chat with some friends I havent been able to see much of recently because of living in Cinci. I miss my friends. We use to hang out every weekend and have parties but now not so much. I think that life just keeps on changing despite ourselves and people change with it. I am ok with that and not. I love the fact that new people come into my life and they bring new and exciting experiences. But I also mourn the fact that others leave my life or at least are not as big in my life as they once were. I can be very rational about the whole thing and know that it is just the constant flow of life that constantly surrounds and buffers us. Other times I want to battle and rage with the unfairity (new word??) of it all. How dare life not do exactly as I want it? But then something happens and I realize that life is not doing anything to me or for me, it just is. And sometimes things happen that make me so completely happy, at least for a little while that I wouldnt give up the randomness of life.

Ok, now I have to eat so bye bye,

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Isn't it funny how life seems to just not do what you think it should...

My boss is in France until next week for a conference. He leaves and everything I want to do to end the rotation fails. I have not been able to complete onething because my stuff is contaminated. I dont know what to do and I really don't have the time either. I am set to start a new lab very soom. As in next week or the week after. And I am going back to Indy for July 4 weekend. It will be lots of fun but I have so much to do before I go back. Ahhhhh.

I have been working out a lot and I love it. I always miss it when my life gets in the way of working out. The last couple of quarters in school were a constant drill of work, study, sleep, work, study, sleep. I was able to work out like once a week, but now I can go everyday if I want. I took Wednesday off, but have gone every other day this week. When I get to Indy, I am going to either have to work out at my parents house (they have treadmill, yay) or just go swimming bunches. Oh darn, I guess I just might have to swim bunches. Hehe. I have a specific goal in mind for working out. Yes, I do have a particular weight I would like to be but that isn't really my goal. My goal is to be able to run an 12 min mile. I know that may seem weird but I am not a runner. I never have been. I can go on the elipical machine for ages, I love the bike (esp recumbant bike), swimming is one of my most wonderful joys, but I hate running. I know that you can loose weight better and faster walking and I do that also. But I want to be able to run a 12 min mile. I don't know why, just a personal goal. My friend Amanda is helping me by being very supportive and telling me how. She is one of those people that actually grew up playing sports and doing stuff like running. Freak, hehe, just kidding. In my house growing up, sports was not an important thing. We, Kat and I, didn't like them and my parents didn't force us to participate. Which I am very happy about. I work out for me and no one else. Yes, it is nice to be looked at with appreciation but if I can't look at myself and be happy it isn't going to matter if anyone else does, because I wont believe it. And if I don't believe it then I won't let anything happen.

I am very self-suffient and reliant. I love my family, and when worse comes to shove I will ask them for what I need, but only at the point that I have to. I will go on my own for as long as I can. That is just who I am. I am not so stupid as to think I never need help. I need reasurance everyday that people like me, which I know they do because I am just so lovable, some days I just have to be reminded =) And I know at work that I need help because I am learning about research and what it entails. Once I learn something I am good, but I have a lot to go before I am going to be self-suffient at work-ie like when I get my PhD I think I am getting to the point.

I love making people happy. One of my greatest joys in life is seeing people smile. I don't ask for much, just their souls. Ah, you think I am joking. No really. Hehe. Ok back to my train of thought. Hmmm, oh yeah. I do like pretty things and it is always nice to recieve gifts, but I dont have to have them. A well placed comment of my wonderful character and beautiful hair is worth diamonds to me. That and I get a lot of pride buying stuff for myself. I think it silly that some people think that a person has to buy them things to prove they are in love with them. Christmas is one of my favorite times of year, not because I get presents, but because I can give people I love things that will make them happy. Kathy and I spend hours trying to come up with things that people will make people light up when they see it. I have given Kathy two giant lion stuffed animals because I know she will think they are cute and love them. I love buying people toys. One, adults never truly expect it and second, children have the right of i-toys are awesome.

I am making lots of process with World of Warcraft. I am now a 56. I have done Lower Black Rock Spire several times now and I love the fact that our guild is getting to the point that we can do raids by ourselves. It is important to interact with others and I think that it enriches the experience. But there is also joy in that our friends, our guild, is getting to be so strong. It makes me happy. I have made a lot of great wonderful friends from the guild. I hope they are as happy as I am.

Ok, I am done going on and on for now. I have to get dressed and go to school now. I have to print some papers for Amanda and myself and just get stuff done.

Peace out,

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New Patches bring new mayhem...

Today the new patch came out for World of Warcraft. It was lots of fun. My guild plus guildies from friend guilds took me to my first raid in Upper Black Rock Spire. I had a blast. Being a priest, all of my concentration was on healing people, but since Grueslayer (60 priest), was also in the group I was not the main healer and was able to learn more about what it means to be a healer in a large group. I can't wait to do more. I like questing alone. There is some glee to be found in being able to bring down a foe on your own. At the same time, being in a group, a team if you will, all working on the same goals, there is also glee. I have leveled in the game mostly on my own (with help from time to time from my guildies) but now I am getting to the point that I can no longer just play alone. I will of course have alts that I start to play, especially when I only have quests with Juldia that involve others, but getting this far with my main char brings a certain happiness. I have accomplished this. Yes it is just a game, but it is also more than that. My friend Eric asked if WoW is a good thing or a bad thing. People have died playing this game, relationships ended, lives destroyed. But at the same time friends have been made and bonds forged. It is a release for me that is very important with all the other shit going on in my life. Before I started playing this game, I had a relatively small local group of friends. Now I have friends all around the world, including England and Australia (yippee for Ken now having his valor headset). I can speak with them and not care about phone bills. I can be with my sister, who I love very much, but not live in the same city. Somewhere along the way, WoW has become very much my extended family. I love my guild, Wrath of Hachiman, and am happy that it is growing into such an amazing thing. I will of course still have those days that only sleep and shouting can cure, but there will of course be the others that killing a murloc or two will bring a smile to my face.

I was sick this last weekend and in Indy at my parents place. It was a fun time even though I sleeped most of it. Sometimes even the crappiest days can still be good. Hopefully the rest of the week at work won't be as crappy as today was. I think I almost jabbed my eyes out several times but that is to be expected. People are people and sometimes I just hate people. They can be rude and mean and not very empathetic. I know I am being vague and random but eh, I feel like it. All well, time for me to sleep again so I can wake for another day.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

We never really know what is going to happen in the next second...

I always seem to think that my life is all figured out and I know what direction I am going in and then something happens to slap me awake. I am going to be doing another lab rotation this summer. I am meeting with the prinicpal investigator today so I will post when I know more but I hadn't planned on doing three rotations. For what it is worth, at the beginning of both of my other two I thought I would be staying in the labs. It is not uncommon for students to have to do multiple rotations. In fact, in my program you have to do at least two since we are made up of the Pathology Department and Internal Medicine Department. I did my first rotation with Dr. Joan Cook-Mills, who is now at Northwestern University in Chicago. I am currently rotating in Dr. Simon Newman's lab. I am happy here. But I may not be able to stay. Research is not a cheap venture and having graduate students is definetly not cheap. Dr. Newman is not sure if he can keep me. So now I go forth to find a new lab and start all over again with meeting new people and learning new techniques.

I like what I do, I don't think the next forty-fiveish years would look so appealing if I did not. However, I am not into politics. Oh, I will agrue them for the fun of it and they can piss me off. But overall I don't pay attention to them. I don't watch the news except for the Daily Show and I keep away from the internet news. It just doesn't seem worth all the upset to me.

But now I am concerned. Isn't that just how it always is, people aren't bothered to do anything until it affects them. And yes I am grouping myself in that so unsocially accepted group. I don't volunteer, I don't donate money to worthy causes, and I ignore the news around me. For the most part, little snipets do make their way to me. Like I said, I do watch the Daily Show. And people talk and I think Ann Coulter is a bitch and I do listen.

Where am I going with this? I need a person in the white house that supports research funding. This directly impacts everyone but especially me since I work in research. I can't save people through finding a cure for something if I have no funding. Think on that for a while. (Just wanted to note that I did vote and will continue to do that because it is extrememly important)

Ok, off my soap box for now. I am almost 52 in WoW. It is exciting. I love my guildies, they are the best. Wrath of Hachiman Rules! Though the latest member's discussion about me is a little disturbing. LOL.

I am at work waiting for my S.cerevisiae to opsonize so that I can add it to a macrophage monolayer to see how many of the yeasts are taken up by the cells. Sounds exciting doesn't it.

I do sometimes wonder why I didn't go into Psychology. Of course, to be able to prescribe drugs I would have had to go to med school and at this point nothing could make me become a med student. They really piss me off. They are all so cocky and think that graduate students are sooo beneath them. But of course I can see their side of it and I guess if I was going to be cutting into people I would hope that I was cocky because second guessing yourself is not a luxury they have because people die.

I am a philosopher though. I never will stop being that. It is one of the reasons I can look at multiple sides to things and see how others might react. That and I am an empath. Not to the point that I can truly sense another's emotions, but I am really good at reading people, which comes from years of watching. I can also put myself in their place, not exactly of course since no one person is the same, but enough that I can get a sense of what they feel. I try to help either by saying something or just being there. I am also a pisces. Supposedly, that means I am sensitive and caring. And sometimes I really am. And sometimes I am a bitch.

Ok, I must get back to work now, bye bye,

Friday, June 09, 2006


I finally made it to 50 in World of Warcraft. Now I just have 10 more levels to go...

Holy Nova,

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I have been going strong for a while. I am just now ready to collapse. I want to go home and sleep forever. Or maybe not, I have yet to make it to 60 in World of Warcraft. Ok, so maybe I want to play my game-then sleep. Sometimes I think the universe is against me and trying to make everything I do difficult and time consuming. Then I remember that the universe really couldn't give a crap what happens to me. I don't believe in God. I don't think that life follows along on some predestined route. I think that things just happen. They have consequences-otherwise I wouldn't be here now, but the only thing controlling me is me and everything that happens to me is from my actions or those actions around me. I named my cat Juna after Nagarjuna for a reason. Think about it a little.

Life has a funny way of making you feel very insignificant. Since at the moment I couldn't give a crap-I guess it is ok.

I am a coward. I am an introvert. I like being alone. Being around lots of people all the time stresses me out. I want to scream when people don't understand this or think it will change. I don't like putting myself out there. In fact I hate it very very very much. To the point in fact that when people make me put myself out there for the world to see, I start to REALLY resent them. If I make the decision to jump, then it is fine. However, I will throw anyone off the cliff before I let them push me. And I will feel good about it. Really deep down I am not that nice of a person. I may look sweet and innocent and gentle but that is because it is easier that way. Don't ask me what I mean, I can't exlain it. There are times that I want to break every single piece of glass I can find. There are times I want to break every single face I see. Humphf, isn't it amazing that I have never before gotten in a physical fight-oh, wait I am an introvert-I don't like to be around people so why would I start a fight. I barely suffer being touched. Of course some of that is just from the fact that I am not use to being touched. I don't mind when my family touches me. I am use to them touching me. It sort of freaks me out when other people touch me. Why do I always fall for guys that I really don't want or can't have. And I am not speaking of Mike Patton. He is a god and therefore everyone should fall to his feet. No, I mean people I know. I start to think about someone I know and then start to think of them in a more personal way. I obsess about them for a while and then I get over it. But in that space of time that I think about them, I get awkward. I am already awkward enough around men. That is because of course I have never dated.

Have to go back to work now,

Monday, May 01, 2006

Oh, time passes with only the slightest breeze...

Ok, so I kinda got caught up in my life there for a little while. I went through last quarter being hell on wheels-but passing and being able to move on-to this new quarter, which while shaping up to be soo much better than last quarter, is so time consuming. I started in Simon Newman's lab and most of my experiences run four to five hours-if not longer. Until today I had classes everyday until noon, so needless to say some days I got to leave at 5 pm, others I got to leave at 8 pm. Now I am done with one of my class-Pathogenic Mycology. I now know more about fungus than I really ever wanted to know. If you want to see gross pictures I am the one to come to. Really-nasty.

I am also in Immunology of Disease, but that class is the whole quarter. Also I am in Pathogenic Mechanisms-it not only covers fungus, but bacteria and viruses. I will know a lot about disease after this quarter-but then again that is the basis of my PhD program. Go figure.

I am looking forward to be able to actually play World of Warcraft some this week. I have not played really since I got my new laptop (more on that in a second). I have checked my mail and showed some people at school what the game looks like but I have not actually played it in almost three weeks. Ugh. I am now a level 41 priest but it seems that everyone is ahead of me. I really want to be able to play with everyone else. All well, there will be plenty of time for that when I get through with my classwork. Then everyone better watch out because I will be a dinging machine.

Ok, so my Dad is a wonderful person and gave me a used laptop from his work over christmas break. It was a very good laptop and I brought it to school with me everyday and did all my work on it. I also have a desktop at home that I do a lot of other stuff and I also back up all of my work-well at least that was the plan. Then the new quarter started and I got caught up in it. I didnt save anything from last quarter or the beginning of this quarter on my desktop-big mistake.

First, I just want to comment on the fact that my cell phone died. Oh, it happend about April 8. I had to get a new one that day since, as people who really know me know, I cannot live without a cell phone-especially since I do not have a land line.

Ok, back to the laptop story. I was going along on my way when one morning my laptop decided not to turn on. Well, ok, it turned on, and then refused to find the hard drive. This happened on April 12. I thought for a while that it was ok. I dont need a laptop. Until I learne that in Simon's lab, the desktop computer actually belongs to his graduate student-who is leaving soon. That means no more computer in the lab. I dont know if people know what science is like, but a lot of it occurs on the computer. And I also am still in very writing intensive classes that demand a lot of time looking things up online. I am also at school anywhere between 8 and 12 hours a day. Not much time to do work at home on my desktop. Don't get me wrong. I love my desktop. Unfortuneatly (yes I know I spelled that wrong) I cannot carry my desktop to and from school.

So I went to Indy and had Matt pick me out a laptop that would last me my time in graduate school. I wanted something that I would be able to use and not have to worry about. And, people who know me should already know, I am a technology whore. I will freely admit that. I got Toshiba Qosmio. Look it up and bask in the glory that is my laptop. I am so protective of it. The only time I let it out of my site is if I know that the room that it is in has at least one person I trust in it or the door locks. Other than my car it is the best purchase I have made for myself. I treasure everything that my parents get for me, but as I think most people will attest, there is a difference between something that you buy yourself and something given to you. I treasure all my possession (as a true technology whore does) but I get a little thrill knowing I bought this with my hard earned credit (which I am paying off with my hard earned money).

Ok, so sometimes I am not the most responsible person in the world. But I am paying off my debt and I am only 23. Anyways, as my parents have said in the past-it is only money. Hehehe. Now if only I had more of it.

Ok, I hope that this makes up for the fact that I haven't posted in ages. I would say that I will post more often now that my life is returning to a sane pace but who knows what is around the corner.

Tool album out tomorrow-10,000 days,