Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dig a little deeper...

I have for most of my life looked at astrology and such things with a fascination that at times could be viewed as an obsession. At the same time, I also look at it for what it is, a nice story.

I have a dilemia, I know that my sun sign is in Pisces. I know I am a boar (chinese astrology not my eating habits).

Piscean Pig
These pigs have great artistic skills. Their main desires and source of happiness in life stem from being loved, and feeling secure. These people are very considerate and tolerant, and will often do anything to try to keep a relationship going.

However, I was born on the cusp for my moon sign. I am either a Pisces/Pisces or a Pisces/Aquarius. What do you thing?

12-11 Pisces/Aquarius
The combination of Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aquarius produces crusaders of all sorts. Emotional sensitivity and intuitive perceptions of Pisces is blended with the friendliness, originality and independence of Aquarius. People enjoy your company because you are so easygoing, charming and versatile. A cheerful outlook and the ability to make acquaintances easily usually results in the development of a large circle of friends. People interest you, and you possess what may be termed true humanitarian and philanthropic inclinations. You can find success in business because of your ability to get along easily with people and make friends out of strangers. Despite this ease of cooperation, there is a lot of independence in your nature and you dislike the dull and the routine. At times you may experience sudden and perhaps unexplainable changes in mood or feeling. Progressive inclinations and original thought are your greatest assets. You are a dedicated person in that you must come to believe firmly in what you are doing. Once you are completely convinced of the worth or value of a cause or of a product, your talent for persuasive speech and quiet persistence assures success. Conversely, when you are less than fully convinced of the value of a program, you are not nearly so effective. You have a very original way of thinking and acting that combines the intellectual with the emotional. A strong inner imagination blends your feelings with your intellect, keeping you from being either too coldly intellectual or too emotional.

12-12 Pisces/Pisces
The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produced a highly restrained personality and one that is quite difficult for the world to understand. You are highly introspective, almost to the extent that the outer world around you seems odd and full of what you perceive as weird notions. In many ways, you have a very warm and likable quality if you are ever able to allow yourself to open up to others and let these traits show. Chances are you don't. You have an enormous faith in your intuition and your self-sufficiency, when in fact, you are very much in need of relationships and company. A tendency to withdraw into yourself to nurse some private idea that you can't get across or won't bother to get across, makes you strangely inaccessible. While you can appear tractable, reasonable and interested in others, you are probably all wound up inside and chiefly concerned with your own fears and concerns about life. Such a private internal existence may gradually cause you to become too isolated in your viewpoints, thinking, and living, causing you to be very lonely. You are so sensitive that you are afraid of being hurt by contact with the world; you seem to prefer withdrawal to encounter. In handling your work, you are by nature very painstaking and accurate in detail, and very strong for duty and fulfilling obligations. Mentally you are quick, perceptive, intuitive, with an almost mystic belief in your hunches. Insight is your great strength, and you have an uncanny way of seeing the core and substance of things, even if from a too personal point of view.

Traa Laa Laa,


At 8/11/2005 1:15 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

Pisces/Pisces, definatly, Pisces/Pisces.

At 8/11/2005 1:42 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Thank you, I think so also. Thought there are a few things that I am of the other, but then again, I think you can read anything you want and make it sound like what you want.

At 8/11/2005 4:53 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

show nuf

At 8/12/2005 8:09 AM, Blogger Julie said...

I think my sister has reverted back to our texan roots.

At 8/12/2005 12:25 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

ya'll better cut it out or ill get you varmit!

At 8/12/2005 1:10 PM, Blogger Julie said...

I said texan roots, not looney toon roots.

Just kidding, I love you just the way you are. Otherwise I wouldn't put myself in the situ of being in the car with you to Chicago.

At 8/15/2005 11:27 AM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

Smut & Eggs ROCK!!


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