Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I finally got my butt in gear...

I cleaned up my office and put a lot of stuff away so that it finally looks like a livable room. I still have a lot of things to do, like put away the nick nacks and hang pictures and curtains, but everyday it looks more like an actual apartment that has someone living in it.

I had the day off today because my reagents hadn't come yet but they should be there tomorrow and I can get my experiment going.

I realized that I hadn't posted about my dinner with my fellow graduate students. We had a bbq at Amanda and Erin's apartment. Amanda, Christina, and Kevin are in my program and Erin is in the Flex program, which means that she hasn't decided exactly which program she wants to be in right now. They are all very nice. We have a lot in common (you know the whole being science geeks) and spent the night watching CSI and baseball. I like baseball but I don't understand it as much as I do football and basketball. I think that now that I live in a town with a major baseball team I need to learn a little bit more. At least enough that I don't make myself look like an idiot. I do wish that they liked philosophy a little bit more and I have yet to broach the subjects of politics and religion. I think I will get to know them a little bit more before I see what they believe.

Kathy thinks I should ask questions on my blog to see people's responses. I agree, it can be a little game to spice things up a little bit. The problem is coming up with questions to ask. I could ask a chemistry question or history question. Or I could ask personal questions. I already know what Kathy would prefer.

My first question is: Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?
I will give my answer after I get at least one answer. It is a give and receive type of relationship.

Sleep tight and don't let the bogey man get you,


At 7/29/2005 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt (I know it's corney)--I always find myself staring at him. I just think, wow, this guy is gorgeus!! Oh, and also Christian Bale for all the same reasons.


At 7/29/2005 12:48 PM, Blogger Julie said...

I found myself staring at Lindsey while we were in Hawaii. He intrigued me for some reason. I stare at Johnny Depp whenever I get the chance. Otherwise, I am lacking in the eye candy at the moment.


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