Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ok, so far so good, I think...

I have had basically my first week of school (officially that mile marker is tomorrow). I have had at least one of each of my classes. Right now we are going through the "This should all be review" section of the material. I think some classes are going to be like that for most of the semester for me but that is ok. Not only will it be a good refresher but I will learn things I didn't absorb the first time around. I am a little disgruntled by the biostats class because he explained yesterday that there are 52 cards in a deck, and six sides to dice. I know that this class has a diverse student body, which includes non-US citizens, returning students, and fresh graduates. I also think that a graduate course should not be dumbed down for the lowest common denominator. If someone is not understanding the very basic components of the class they should either be helped outside of class or consider signing up for a more basic class before entering the higher level class. Of course I am assuming that I am not in the most basic class. I guess that is something I had not considered before now...hmm...

I am now fully convinced that the education I received at IUPUI did prepare me very well for UC. I will need to study hard to memorize all the details of Cell Bio and Mol Gen but I think if I sit down and take the time it should not be a problem.

I am really excited because Mom, Mike, Kathy, and Matt are coming this weekend for the Ohio Ren Fair Viking weekend. I have been looking forward to this since I moved here. Next weekend, Dad, Janeen, Ron, and Michelle are coming for the Highland fling weekend. Of course, if anyone else is interested, let me know. The more the merrier.

Ok, and before I go, go to this website to find your family coat of arms

I have found almost all the ones that I searched for, though Ambs and Armatis were not in there. Interesting...



At 9/28/2005 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you find Folsom on the coat of arms thing... I think the name is English...
What is the Highland weekend? Do people dress in kilts and fall in love and have amazing sex and say "doona" like they do in all the romance novels based in the highlands? let me know.

At 10/05/2005 5:56 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

god i hope so...

At 10/05/2005 6:56 PM, Blogger Julie said...

if they do, I might have to bring one home...


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