Wednesday, September 21, 2005

So I have started the downward spiral...

Today starts the first day of my graduate classes. I was in Indy over the weekend and I took yesterday off to completely blank out before I had to start back into the whole academic thing.

My first class of the day was the intro to my Cell Biology: Proteins and Enzyme class, which is going to basically cover biochemistry and metabolism. I am not as concerned about the class now because he went over a lot of information that pertains to the class, which between biochemistry and biomembranes I have already have had. There will be of course new information and I will need to rememorize the information but since I will be helping my fellow graduate students learn the information I am not worried.

I have my biostats class today and that class I am a little worried about because I have not had math since freshman year of undergrad. Luckily, Erin, one of my classmates, was a math major in undergrad and she said she will help us.

Well, I am hanging out with Christina and Amanda now while we are between classes.
"There is unity midst diversity,"


At 9/21/2005 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jules:

It was great seeing you this weekend. I'm glad the Bio-Chem class is going to be something you are comfortable with. Don't worry about the stats class. If you can do a spreadsheet stats will be easy.

Have a great week.

Love ya,

At 9/21/2005 5:51 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...


At 9/21/2005 8:20 PM, Blogger Julie said...

OK, so I had stats today. I don't have any worries about that now, except for not wanting to bash my head in because of boredom. He honestly covered sumation, mean, mode, median. He also said that computers have low IQs and so do computer programmers and that designers (as in graphic designers) all failed stats so now they try to tell people what looks good. Ahhhhh!


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