Monday, September 12, 2005

One of those days...

So I am having one of those days, you know, the ones in which you wish you could punch everyone you see or break all the windows in your office. There is no reason to feel this violent, but you do. There are no "women's problems" that can be attributed to it, no one cut you off in traffic, not everything is wrong at work. No, you just want to cause damage to everything you see for no apparent reason.

Of course, if I was still in Theories of Personality, we would discuss the fact that there is a reason, and depending on which theorist you were discussing at that time, it could be many things. Like, some thing in childhood that happened and has been triggered by something in the environment. Or that I am projecting my anger at my self onto everything around me (wait that could be it but that just makes me more angry so I am not going to think about it).

But at the end of the day, I am not going to cause violence. I am not going to hit anyone or break glass. Instead, I am going to repress everything. I like repressing. It is fun. But the question to ask here is if I know that I am repressing and if I still remember what I am repressing. Am I actually repressing?

If I were you I wouldn't ask me in person. I might explode. I think the best thing for me right now is to leave work, go home, and not talk to anyone for the rest of the night. That is not to say if someone called I wouldn't answer the phone. I expect some people to call (ie Kathy) and I want other people to call me without me saying anything (ie Georgia).

School starts next week. It should be fun.


PS I think that anyone that doesn't come to the Halloween party, I am going to send a piece of coal to them for Christmas.


At 9/13/2005 1:52 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

uhhhhh, maybe you have Graves Disease. That's what I blame all my mood swings on.


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