Friday, December 16, 2005

Ok, its time for the Holidays...

For those of us that enjoy the blessing of having multiple families we get to spend the holidays with, planning skills are a must. I am having christmas with Dad and Janeen this weekend so I will be in town from Friday till Sunday. Then I will return to have christmas with Mom and Mike on the 24th. I will be celebrating birthdays for Ruth and Jeremy on the 26th and then will return to Cincinnati for a few days with my sister. This will be followed by New Year's in Indy and finally me returning home for the start of school on Jan 3. Gee, I hope my future husband also has divorced parents, because it seems to easy now. Just kidding. I love the hectic season, it wouldn't be christmas without it. From the first christmas I can remember, everything was chaotic and fun. My family, both immediate and extended, has never been one for simple holidays. We like to try and cram as much into it as possible. Life is to be lived strong and outloud, especially with those you love the most.

Granted I discovered last time I was in Indy that I am not one for loud get togethers anymore, I also feel that the holiday season is special and that even if I tried, I couldn't get around it, so why try. I have many things to be thankful for this holiday season, most of which is the fact that I passed my first quarter in grad school. I am not going to be doing a lab rotation in the winter quarter because I think that I would not benefit from it. Instead I want to focus on my studies so that I can get the best grades I can.

Life, throws us curve balls. I don't believe in God, I have never taken much stock in fate, and I don't think that there are people in the background controlling everything that happens to us. Instead, I think that we control not only what happens to us by our actions, call it cause and effect if you will, but also we affect what happens to those around us. I am first and formost a scientist. I respect other people's choices in regard to what they believe and whether or not they have faith in a higher power. I do not but I do believe in the holidays. Not as a religious holiday but as a time to be with those who love you and want the best for you. I participate in gift giving because I want to see the joy on someone else's face my the gift that I got them. I do it because I care. I don't need a religion to tell me I care and I do not need the media or stores to do that either. I think that this "Fight against Christmas" is funny and sad. Does it really matter if people say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? I know for some it does. They feel like they are being prosecuted by the other side. Both sides of the debate feel this way. That is what is funny. They both feel the same why but cannot understand that the other feels also. It is not a witch hunt. People are not going out of their way to intentially hurt people (well, most people aren't, you always get those mean bastards).

I had a tough quarter. A lot of things happened to me and it affected me more than I let on. Because at the end of the day the only person that could help me was me. I did not cry on people's shoulders (I may have bitched a few times, but I didn't cry, ok maybe a little but not that much). I understand that people take things differently. What works for one person will not necessarily work for someone else. I wish that everyone understood that. The world would be such a wonderful place if they did. The point of all this rambling (other than the fact it is 1:30 in the morning) is that no one is perfect, least of all me. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes they are small and are easily blown over. Other times they are large and take a lot of work to work through. The thing is this is our lives. What we do with them is life. I used to think that after I got out of school, life would begin. The jokes on me, because while I have been waiting for life to happen, I was living it.

Above I said I was a scientist but I am also a philosopher. I really do not think that there is much of a difference. I study and learn every day science so that I can help the human race. I live and breathe life because I do not believe there is anything else. This is what I have and if I don't like it, I have to change it.

My heart is with the Al-Sayed family tomorrow. I will be thinking of Ferris tomorrow and hope that everything goes well. Call me when you can.

Seasons Greetings,

Friday, December 09, 2005

Yeah, I am finally out for the holidays...

My last final was over at 3:30 pm Wednesday, and now I am free. Well, until January at least. I am going to focus on resting, playing WoW, and cleaning my apartment. I am planning on going to Indy on Dec 16-18, then I will be back on the 23 or 24 and will stay through to the 27. Also, Jeremy and Ruth both turn 30 over Christmas and Boxing Day, so some sort of something is going on for them. Kathy will be kidnapped to Cincinnati (and however else would like to join us) for a couple of days and then we will be back in Indy for New Years.

I want as many people to show up for New Years as possible this year. We are actually thinking of having New Years at a bar, possible Nippers 2, so that no one will have to clean up the next day. Of course, if anyone has an idea, let us know.

Well, not much more is going on so I am going to end this for now.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ahh, something to look forward to when I am done studying...

I am studying like a fiend and found an interesting fact...Scientists don't know how you can increase HDL-the "good" cholesterol-but they see an increase by exercise and moderate drinking of alcohol. So, the take home message here-jog from bar to bar.

Don't worry if I find more fun facts like that one I will post them,

Just a side note...

As I sit here at my desk studying for hours upon end I realize that I have discovered a wonderful gift that someone can get me for my birthday (since I am guessing that most people have already done their christmas holiday shopping). I need a better office chair. The one I have is comfortable for about the first hour. Then my back and legs start to hurt. I have been sitting here daydreaming about Kathy's new office chair, Dad and Janeen's new office chairs, and of course Matt's office chair wishing I had one just as comfortable.

Anyways, back to the grind,

(Now that they aren't playing each other I can support them both, but of course at the end of the day-and season-I am still a Colts fan)

Friday, December 02, 2005

So I am a little busy at the moment...

I just wanted to post that I will not be able to post much until after Dec 7. I have finals Dec 5 and 7 so will be going out of my mind until then. I plan on sleeping little, eating lots of chocolate, and generally swearing bunches.

Hope everyone else is having fun,
I will join the human race soon,