Monday, January 30, 2006

So I like to repeat myself so that I can make a point...

That and the caffine coursing through my system right now is making it difficult to study.

I will be coming to Indy on March 15 and staying more than likely to March 18. I am bringing Amanda with me (Huber, the one I go to grad school with) and anyone else I can drag with me. I am turning 23 on March 12 for any of those people who read this and might have forgotten (shame on you). Since I have finals on 13th and 14th I can't come home for my actual bday.

Since my school schedule is wacky I will more than likely not be able to come back to Indy before Mar 15. I am in grad school and it is very complicated. If people want to visit me, please email me and I will give you a list of dates that I cannot have visitors.

I am off Mar 15-Mar 26 for spring break. As of March 27 I will be in spring quarter and I have heard it is a hard one.

Ok, enough for now, since I am in a weird mood and do not want to type anything I will regret later.

Note to self, dont drink so much coffee,


At 1/31/2006 11:39 AM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

Yay, a new post! Love you sis. You rock and good luck on your test today. Kisses.

At 1/31/2006 12:24 PM, Blogger Julie said...

when are you going to do a new post?

At 1/31/2006 2:24 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

Havn't really had anything to rant about recently. When I feel the need to rant though, that will be the first place I do it. Besides, you are the only one that reads it and I talk to you every day.

At 2/01/2006 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly Julie don't you know caffine is best injected straight into the bloodstream??? Or is that just how I get through my exams............ hmmmm maybe that's why I constantly think I'm walking over an earthquake with a strobe light following me.. hmmmmmmmmm

At 2/02/2006 3:15 PM, Blogger Julie said...

I thought about main lining the coffee but then I thought that the shaking and jittering could be suspect and people would think I was on crack, but maybe I should take crack, or crank or heroin, but that could get expensive and I dont have the money to spend on drugs because then I couldnt pay for my cable modem and cable and DVR and without those I think that I would crack and that would be worse than taking crack because it is hard to think if you are cracked but then again I think I am already loosing my sanity but then I never really had it in the first place so I guess it is fine, class is starting so I have to go now...oink


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