Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Holocaust Day...

So I am up and studying on Thanksgiving. Gee, what a great start to the holiday. Just kidding, I actually enjoy learning. I am just thankful that I have the oppurtunity to be in grad school bettering myself for the future. Okay, enough with the sappy stufff.

So I am in Indy for the holiday. I am really looking forward to spending time with my family and friends. It really starts hitting home that I no longer live in the same town when I have to drive home and sleep in beds not mine that I have truly moved. But since I am so close it is all good.

I am full of randomness this morning so bear with me.

Kathy and I were on Fox News both Wed night and this morning. It is funny. We were shopping at Target for Kat's christmas tree and a newswoman came up to us and asked if we would mind being interviewed. We said ok, not thinking much of it and before we knew it Mom called us to tell us we were on the news. Then Kenna called to say we were on it again. I guess we got our 15 sec of fame. I would like to thank all the little people that made this possible...just kidding.

So Kathy finally got me to play World of Warcraft. Yes, it is a fun game. Yes, I now understand how they can play it for 15 hrs straight and loose track of time. At the same time, I don't have the time or money to get hooked on it. Maybe once I finish all of my classes and start research I can look into playing it at home but my luck by that time they will no longer be playing it.

I just realized that I had not yet posted anything about Harry Potter (at least I don't think I have). It was a really good movie. I feel dirty now because I enjoyed the bath scene a little too much but what can I say. I am a sucker for magic wealders. Its not my fault he is only 16.

Ok, well the day is starting and the sun is rising, so I must go.

Have a gobble day,


At 11/28/2005 9:58 AM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

Had a really good holiday weekend and enjoyed playing WoW with you. I understand that it can not be in your life right now but had fun anyway. I thought 2 months ago that it would only capture my attention for a couple weeks and here I am, still loving it. So who knows how much longer this maddness will continue. Love you and can't wait till Christmas so I can see you again. Good luck on that studying stuff and what not.

Love you.

At 11/30/2005 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel radcliffe is a little young, but, sadly, I am among the sick and twisted over the age of 18 who enjoyed the bath scene. Also enjoyed cedric in general, such a hottie! yes, awesome movie all around. Cant wait to see it again. sorry that i missed your big tv debut, maybe next year. going to lunch with jamie and artur tomorrow, shoudl have lots of gossip later.
study hard!


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