Monday, August 29, 2005

The City of New Orleans...

So let us all keep our fingers crossed that the hurricane doesn't beat up New Orleans too bad. The news stations are saying that the hurricane has turned enough so that the worse of the storm won't actually hit the city (at least as of right now). They are still going to be hit with a lot but since I haven't been there yet and I am more important than this storm, New Orleans has to come out ok.

There has also been a lot of talk about gas prices going up again over this weekend because of the high amount of oil rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico. This means that all the people coming to visit me this weekend should probably car pool to keep down cost. Because you know I am also more important than gas prices and I am expecting people to come and see me this weekend. Of course, I do want to make mention that I understand if it is too expensive. But if you can't make it for one reason or another-please call.

Anyways, good luck to New Orleans and all the people that call her home,


At 8/29/2005 9:24 AM, Blogger Julie said...

I feel so bad because a classmate of mine from Theories just moved to New Orleans and I didn't remember until this morning. Luckily, another friend, Emily, has been in contact with her, and Barb made it to Houston with her boyfriend and kitty.

At 8/29/2005 12:39 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

I don't know who you could have been talking about when you said that they should call if they are not coming. Hmmmmmmm. :)

At 8/29/2005 3:15 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Well, technically I was talking about everyone other than you, Matt, and Des since the three of you are the only ones that have truly committed to coming. I am assumeing that other people are coming but they haven't told me yet. I do know that several of my friends don't know if they can come yet because of obligations that haven't been sorted out yet but I hope they get them sorted out soon and let me know.

At 8/29/2005 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

would saying that I have too much %@*=&@%&*&!! homework be a valid excuse?? :oD


At 8/29/2005 4:52 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

No, did you not hear Julie. We are the dependable ones. We can not let her down. Besides, I really want to see your sexy ass.

At 8/29/2005 5:44 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Its ok, I will take Kenna's excuse for lots of homework as an exception. I also know your sister is probably freakin out still. I am just glad that the storm didn't hit New Orleans directly on.

At 8/29/2005 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all... ULIE I have found your blog... how do you think I found Kathy's? Through yours... secondly... I posted on yours in the one that pertained to me. Like both you and Kathy if it doesn't involve me it just isn't that interesting. I have spent an extraodinary amount of time tonight trying to break into someone elses e-mail account... which I've never done before. Luckily I was not able to achieve the task.
Anyway- about New Orleans... I've been there twice, and I am going back in October maybe. And I can say this... despite the fact that 50 people died... which is incredibly sad, seeing as how they were probably poor and old or poor and young... but i bet that this is just natures way of cleaning off the urine, vomit, and other bodily ecretions on Burbon street... seriously.... it takes more than a high powered hose. Those lucky bastards who go to school at Tulane got an extra week of summer vacation. Maren, though is stranded with her father, step-mother, and little sister, in her dad's office. Anyway. I am like starved for human affection and contact because for the past four days I've been stranded in my house alone because I have this ear infection. I've beem reading one of my other friends blogs and all those comments and she lives in a communal house and it makes me ache for those kinds of relationships.
So anyway since I know Kathy will be reading this too---- I read both of your blogs... maybe not everyday... but I always catch up... and just because I'm not posting doesn't mean I'm not reading. Alright.... well this has gone on long enough and I need to get back to my lonely life of putting eardrops in my ear, rolling cigarettes, and probably over-dosing on codine just to numb the damned pain in my ear.... and I have a blog its on myspace and the URL I haven't posted much... but I'm getting better. Plus there are pictures on there that you guys might like to see..... anyway... well is that a long enough post for you? Do you feel loved now? Good 'cause I feel drained. Oh and by the way... I have an anniversary coming up... but I am celebrating it by myself of course... because I celebrate everything by myself.. but that is beside the point. Anyway now I'm bumming my self out. alright well Night.


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