Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Busy little bee...

So yeah I haven't posted in a little while. I have been responding to my wonderful friends and family that have posted, I just have been such an industrious little bee the last couple days that I haven't had time to sit down and write what has been going on.

I had my final in my class on Monday so I have officially finished by first graduate class in graduate school (I did take one graduate class as an undergrad). I don't know how I did as of yet but will let people know when I do.

Other than that, I have been hard at work trying to get my experiment working. I am usually (as of this week) here from around 8:45 till 5:45. I think we are close to having a break through. Luckily, I found out that I am not the only first year having problems. That makes me feel better.

On the homefront, I am not doing much. I spent the weekend recuperating from Chicago and studying for my test. Juna and I had some quality time together and I bought her a new toy. She has me so wrapped around her paw.

This weekend I am looking forward to getting everything ready for my visitors for Labor Day-which I would like those who will be joining me to let me know so that I can plan. If there are any special requests, let me know and I can see what I can do.

Oh, I did see Dukes of Hazzard. It brought me back to my roots. Willie Nelson is great as Uncle Jesse and I have always had a soft spot for Sean William Scott. It was funny and low maintenence. Sometimes it is nice to see a movie that doesn't require you to do advanced math to understand.



At 8/25/2005 12:31 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

Hope your experiment works this week and that you and Dez have a great weekend. Love you.


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