Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Oh let me count the ways that I am a geek...

Ok, so I went to trilogy tuesday. I still talk about the fact that I went to trilogy tuesday. I assume that everyone knows what trilogy tuesday is and worships me since I went. Now I have a new and most wonderful announcement. The Lord of the Rings exhibit at the Indiana State Museum is opening on October 6 and will run till January 3. I am very sad and distraught that I will not be at opening weekend but I will live.

The website is:

So that is very exciting and clearly shows that I am a geek. Another way is the fact that when I went to the ren fair over the weekend, I got an outfit. I had my hair braided and dressed up (well, mom bought the outfit for christmas but I would have bought it if she hadn't). The outfit is a patchwork skirt that at the moment is really too long but I will fix soon. The maker of the skirt made it so that tall and short people can wear them with ease. I also now have a black chemise with silver accents on the sleeves. I plan to also wear my black bodice that I got from Hot Topic.

Well I have to get back to the grind. I will try to post more often but I am in school and have tests coming up.



At 10/05/2005 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is the dick who posted before me? Fuck, commercials are infiltrating our lives at the most base of levels.

Anyway. Whoa you totally are a geek. me too. I hang out with all of my professors, I work all of the time, I think literary comparisons are "fun". I am on for the purpose of organizing people (and it is working!!!!!) .... oh, also, I frequently mark books as my biggest weakness.
so....there you go... it is genetic. Although I do have to say that in general I make fun of people who get "that" into the ren. fesitival.... so I'll just let that slide.
I love you lots and lots

At 10/05/2005 4:18 PM, Blogger Julie said...

I delete any spam on my blog. I don't want it there and it annoys me that people are so disrespectful that they post on other people's blogs with spam. My feeling is that if I wanted their information I would go out and seek it.


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