Friday, October 07, 2005


So I am really looking forward to Halloween this year because I am hoping to see all the people I have seen in months. I don't think that I will be able to get back to Indy after Halloween until Thanksgiving, so folks, this is it.

The party will be on October 29, starting around 8 pm or so. Kathy will be sending out an invite soon, so make sure you are on her email list.

The theme is "If you Fear it, Wear it." Come as what you fear the most. This does not mean that you have to come as a spider, or a semi-truck (what, semis are big and fast). You could also come as such things as poverty, death, Fear itself, Britney Spears. There are countless of possibilities. And if you are claiming you don't have any fears, look deep and long at your psyche. I am sure there is something you fear. One of my biggest fears is that no one will come to the party. And that everyone is forgetting about me. And now that I am not physically jamming myself down people's throats constantly by always being around, people are not making any effort to see me. Oh, and the people I care about most dying. That is a big fear.

I have more but I thought that maybe if I am willing to share some of my deep fears people won't be so afraid of opening themselves up. Get it, some people are scarred of showing their inner emotions to others. Anyways, I can only let my inner wounds bleed so much for others before I have to cover them up again.

Before I leave this wonderful blog to be published I wanted to give a shout out to Eric and Stacey. Congrats and I am so happy for you. Now all yall have to do is set a date, orgainze the whole thing, and ask people to be your maids of honor and groomsmen.



At 10/07/2005 11:30 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Life Unknown
The death of thought
does not play
into the mind
of all those who
unknowingly chose life
with every breath they take

Every thought
Every idea
Begins in the spark
of the end of another
which dies not
in the minds of men

At 10/07/2005 1:32 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

stupid spammers.

I think that we all (and yes, that includes me) have been so wrapped up in our daily lives (school, work, children, The Game...) that we have not seen eachother in a while. Can't wait to see everyone.

Peace out


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