Monday, June 20, 2005

It is official...

I have had my first day of school. It wasn't too bad. I had my methods in biomedical science class. We went over basics, like what it means to do research and how scientists should be ethical. The first week will be over stuff that is more basic and then we will get more into stuff that my other classes in the past only talked about briefly. It is exciting.

I also listened to some faculty talk about what they do in their labs. This is so I can choose a lab to do my summer lab rotation. I still have no idea whose lab I want to be in but I still have another day of listening to faculty before I really need to sit down and decide.

All of my stuff is in Cincinnati now (well, except for my microwave, whoops!). I am planning on still going back to Indy for the weekend (ie June 24-26). I have not completely unpacked but between Desiree and my mom and the rest of my family most of my stuff is unpacked. Now I just have to find places for all my other stuff. I am taking a couple of days off before I do that. I have all day Thursday open right now so I figure I will work on it then. I have class on Friday and unless I schedule a meeting with a faculty member I will probably head back to Indy. I just have to decide whether to leave Juna here or take her with me. She would hate the car ride but I don't want to leave her alone.

I hope everyone is doing well,
don't let the man get to ya,


At 6/20/2005 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot my air-mattress.

Mucho Smoochos, Chica of my dreams!!



At 6/21/2005 6:08 PM, Blogger Julie said...

I can bring your air-mattress home this weekend. I will call and let you know the 411.


At 6/22/2005 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie, just so you know, in the about me section it still says Carmel, IN. Unless you have split personalities . . .

At 6/22/2005 8:13 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Ok, so I have changed the about me section now, thanks for the heads up I totally forgot about it. It hasn't changed on the main page yet but I am sure that it will soon.


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