Thursday, October 20, 2005

And thus it starts getting hard...

I am on my way to bed but I thought I would drop a line for those faithful readers that have not gotten their fix for a couple of days. I have been preparing my presentation so that I can go over it with my PI tomorrow. I am not finished with it but I have so many questions for Joan that hopefully after tomorrow it will not take me long to finish it. If everyone is good, I will present it while I am in Indy.

I got my first grade back-a B in biostats. I should have gotten an A but I allowed myself to not be concerned with the test. Trust me, that will not happen again. The professor asked some tricky questions that I got turned around on, but I have two more tests in that class, plus lots of homework points. I know now that not only does he think that graphic designers and computer programs are stupid but that anyone that cannot do his problems are idiots. I will not fall in that trap again. That and the other tests are open book. I really hate having to memorize equations when in the real world you can look them up.

Ok, enough with the pity party. I need my beauty sleep.

smile, for tomorrow is another day,


At 10/20/2005 5:52 PM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

I need my fix man, I need it!

At 10/22/2005 3:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was jonesin' pretty bad. Thanks for posting. I miss you and love yu.


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