Monday, January 30, 2006

So I like to repeat myself so that I can make a point...

That and the caffine coursing through my system right now is making it difficult to study.

I will be coming to Indy on March 15 and staying more than likely to March 18. I am bringing Amanda with me (Huber, the one I go to grad school with) and anyone else I can drag with me. I am turning 23 on March 12 for any of those people who read this and might have forgotten (shame on you). Since I have finals on 13th and 14th I can't come home for my actual bday.

Since my school schedule is wacky I will more than likely not be able to come back to Indy before Mar 15. I am in grad school and it is very complicated. If people want to visit me, please email me and I will give you a list of dates that I cannot have visitors.

I am off Mar 15-Mar 26 for spring break. As of March 27 I will be in spring quarter and I have heard it is a hard one.

Ok, enough for now, since I am in a weird mood and do not want to type anything I will regret later.

Note to self, dont drink so much coffee,

Monday, January 23, 2006

Let the party get started, oh wait, it already has...

I don't know, I am in a weird mood. I woke at 5 am this morning so that I could review my notes a few more times before my test. I took it at 8 and I think I did fine but I won't really know for a little while. I am taking a little break before diving back into my homework.

I was in town this last weekend for my Dad's bday. We had so much fun, thank you everyone that came out on Friday. I really enjoyed seeing everyone at the bar. Hopefully next time I am in town, we can get more people to come out. Also, I will be in town for sure March 15-18. I am not sure what I am doing after the 18th but you can be sure that I will post it when I know. And just to make sure people realize it, sometime between the 15th and 18th we will be celebrating my 23rd birthday.

For Dad's Bday we went out to a wonderful dinner at Cibo (I think that is the spelling) and then went to the 8 Second Saloon. I know that not everyone likes country music, but it was sooo much fun. They had a live band, 32 below, which was more country rock, then the twangy stuff. Their electric guitars were wireless, that was soo cool (ok, so I am impressed by geeky stuff). Dad and Janeen danced and the rest of us watched. The 8 sec saloon gives lessons on how to do the different dances and I want to do that one of these days. I think it would be fun.

Well, I have to get back to studying now, but I will try to let everyone know what is going on with bday stuff and whatnots when I know.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Just a heads up...

I have received most of my syllabus for my classes this quarter. I am organizing all of the dates of tests and whatnots and wanted to alert people to upcoming events.

However, since I am not finished yet I only have one significant event to warn about. My birthday is of course March 12. I have a final March 13 and 14. Yipee for me. However, those two finals (as far as I know right now) ends my quarter. This of course means that I am off from school from March 15 until March 26. I offically start my spring quarter March 27.

This of course causes me a great amount of joy because IUPUI's spring break is March 13-19 (don't forget the weekends). While I cannot spend the actual day of my birth with everyone in Indy, I will be back on the 15th (hopefully with a few others, ie my grad classmates, or at least Amanda). I thought that if I warn you now, maybe everyone can cordinate to actually get together to do what I want for once. (Did I sound bitter, hmm, imagine that)

Well, I have to go now and get back to studying.

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution,

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back to School...

So it is that time of year again. Well, not quite. But basically, it is. I have started a new quarter in my quest to get a PhD. I am taking Molecular Biology of the Cell 2, Immunology, Medical Ethics, and Functional Genomics. Yippee. No really cell 2 is so far a lot like my Biomembranes class, and I like that. Also, I am recalling a lot of the information, so that helps. I also have had immunology before, but like everything else "that was undergrad, you are in grad school now." I think that that is their answer for everything. While it is true, I think that some (or most) of the professors forget not only what it was like to be in undergrad but what it was like in grad school. I don't think that they are out to get us, but I do think that they have forgotten what it is like. Oh well.

It would also be nice if the professors for the different classes talked to each other. I know that all of biology is connected but do we actually have to cover the same thing on the same day in two different classes? Well enough of that.

I did my first BG last night in WoW. For those who might not be complete geeks, that means that I did a battleground (think capture the flag between good guys, the Alliance-me of course-and nine others-against ten bad guys, The Horde) in the game World of Warcraft. It is player versus player so everyone in the BG is real person. My side won, which in itself is amazing since historically the Alliance can't work together to save themselves much less to capture a flag three times.

I know. I know. You are thinking to yourself, "But Julie, you said you weren't going to play the game that much." After reading for almost five hours straight about the history of membranes, I think I deserved killing a few furblogs and horde. Also, there wasn't anything on TV I wanted to watch. I can't study every hour I am awake. That would make Julie homicidal, and not just in the game. Don't worry, I know what I am doing, and I learn my lesson. Do not request entry for BG after 10 pm. Well, not at least if you have to wake up early in the morning. I still got to school 30 min before class like I wanted but I have been a little tired today. Of course, my sleep cycle is still a little out of wack.

Well, I need to eat now and play with Juna before I get back to my studies. I promised myself that if I got through my required reading for tomorrow, I can play a little. It is my new reward system.
