Wednesday, November 09, 2005

One more to go and then freedom (for now)...

I have a test in an hour. It is for Bio stats. I have studied for three straight hours today, not to mention all the other times I studied for it. I am feeling confident about this one. It helps that it is open book.

I will return again to Indy this weekend for Audioslave. I am planning on leaving early Sunday Morning, so that I can get back to my kitten. Also, I have a lot to do until the end of the quarter. As it is, I will be studying for a majority of the time that I am in Indy. I have to study as much as I can, especially for my last round of tests. They will be the hardest this quarter.

I am in a very weird mood. I think it has a little to do with the fact that I am listening to some music that I haven't listen to in a while. In addition, I am going to a concert. I have allowed myself to shut down a part of my personality in order to better fit in here. It is not a self-degradation thing, but more of a self-preservation thing. There are times in everyone's life that they cannot be 100% who they are. For me, it is a lot of the time since my personalities clash somewhat. I am a geeky scientist that likes heavy metal/rock. I love going into a mash pit at a Slayer concert and yet also like studying the immune system. Trust me when I say it is not often that those two worlds come together at once for me. But that is ok. I think it is how I survive both of them. I do not let myself get overwhelmed in one world, but let myself be balanced.

I have always thought that balance is the key to living. A person should be eclectic in their thoughts and procedures or they will miss out in life. Nothing is black and white, but instead shades of gray. Life can never be entirely order or chaos, but a balance of both. I am neither a total geek or metal head, but both. But I am of course not even just those two options. I love classical music, electronica, philosophy, psychology, and so much more. Of course, I believe that I have so many layers and levels, but then again I am the one looking. It is easy to imagine oneself more mysterious and intriging than what one really is.

I recently got in contact with an old friend in San Antonio, Rachael. I am so happy that I have started to correspond with her again. Doing so also brings to mind all that has changed since the time I was her friend. To state the obvious, I no longer live in Texas. I am in graduated school. I do not talk to Kendra. My sister is going through hormonal changes that is affecting her moods drastically. Oh, wait, that is the same as alwasys. (Hehe, just kidding Kathy, you know I love you bunches.)

Well, I should probably look over everything again with a fine tooth comb. Or at least my very sharp and penertrating eyes. LOL, I crack myself up.



At 11/10/2005 10:36 AM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

Since one was not happy with one not being able to control one's own moods one was put on happy pills and now one if feeling very balanced. A little to balanced. One might just go crazy from feeling normal... Well, I just figured since you were talking of yourself in the third person, I could too. Maybe not...

At 11/18/2005 8:14 AM, Blogger OneHotBlog said...

I need a new entry. My life is boring if I do not get to read your sweet words at least twice a week. You are not fulfilling your obligations as a "blogger." I even have a new entry.


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