Thursday, June 30, 2005

Research, exploration into the future...

I have formally accepted working in Dr. Joan Cook-Mills lab so I feel free to write about it now. Frankly, I did not want to write about it before just in case I didn't get it. I hate looking the fool.

You can find out information on her at:
and also at my program website under immunology and infectious disease:

If you are really interested in what I will be doing over the summer, you could look up under and search for her publications. I will expect a full discourse with those I attended biological class. Everyone else, don't worry I only understand about every eighth word, and that is usually the word 'the.'

I am very excited and I think that even if Dr. Cook-Mills decides to move to Chicago I will learn a lot over the summer that will help me a lot in the future.

I should go now before I keep on rambling on. It is one thing to ramble when you are talking aloud. It is another to do it when you are writing a blog. Supposedly you have control on stopping but as you can see...

Ok, talk later,
have a pleasant day,

Just another day...

So I am waiting to hear back to see if I can work in a lab this summer. I have squared it away with the principal investigator and am waiting for the program director to let me know. As soon as I am in the lab I will post the website so everyone can see what I am doing.

I just saw The Longest Yard with Adam Sandler. It was extremely funny. I know that it is a remake but I really liked it. I have never seen the original but since Burt Reynolds was in this one too, I think that it is ok that it was done. I laughed so hard. I had to keep myself from clapping at the end. It was exactly what I needed.

Everything is going great, well other than my electricity was out for about an hour. You gotta love it when the power company decides they have to work on the line during the hottest part of the day. Luckily, everything is back on.

I went shopping yesterday at Jungle Jim's. I have discovered the one major problem of having the greatest supermarket a block from my house. I spent 3 hours shopping!! I guess I didn't have to go down every aisle but I didn't want to miss anything.

Well, I will try harder to post more often. It is just that nothing is happening right now. Kathy, Matt, and Des are coming this weekend to keep me company. I am very excited. I hope a few of my other friends drop by. It is just a little farther than say going from Carmel to Greenwood.

I hope everyone is doing well and I will be in touch.
May the force be with you,

Friday, June 24, 2005

Indy for the weekend...


I am driving back to Indy for the weekend today. It is Georgia's birthday. I will be leaving here in a few, just have to pack some clothes and get the cat ready. I swear that Juna is going to eventually get use to riding in cars. Either that, or I will get use to her meowing for two hours straight. Hmm, I wonder which is more likely?

Hope to see everyone soon,

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Almost a real grad student...

So, a big part of being a grad student is working in a lab. I have worked in a lab before-three years in Dr. Srour's lab. Now, however, I am on my way to work in my first lab as a grad student on a project just for me doing stuff that I really don't understand. At least I hope. Well, I don't hope that I don't understand it, I hope I get into the lab. I have set up a meeting with a professor that will potentially let me work with her over the summer. She was one of the professors that I interviewed with back in March. I will not release her name until she has granted me with a spot in her lab.

Well, I will be in town starting Friday and ending Sunday. I hope to see many of my wonderful friends.

don't drink the brown water,

Monday, June 20, 2005

It is official...

I have had my first day of school. It wasn't too bad. I had my methods in biomedical science class. We went over basics, like what it means to do research and how scientists should be ethical. The first week will be over stuff that is more basic and then we will get more into stuff that my other classes in the past only talked about briefly. It is exciting.

I also listened to some faculty talk about what they do in their labs. This is so I can choose a lab to do my summer lab rotation. I still have no idea whose lab I want to be in but I still have another day of listening to faculty before I really need to sit down and decide.

All of my stuff is in Cincinnati now (well, except for my microwave, whoops!). I am planning on still going back to Indy for the weekend (ie June 24-26). I have not completely unpacked but between Desiree and my mom and the rest of my family most of my stuff is unpacked. Now I just have to find places for all my other stuff. I am taking a couple of days off before I do that. I have all day Thursday open right now so I figure I will work on it then. I have class on Friday and unless I schedule a meeting with a faculty member I will probably head back to Indy. I just have to decide whether to leave Juna here or take her with me. She would hate the car ride but I don't want to leave her alone.

I hope everyone is doing well,
don't let the man get to ya,

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Getting out of Dodge...

I am finally moving today. I know I have been talking about it for months but now it is actually happening. I am leaving for Cincinnati today for the next 5 years or so. This is the biggest thing that I have ever done in my life. I hope that people come and visit me (just make sure give prior warning since I will be in school). I hope that everyone has a nice life and I will see you on the flip side.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Wow, deep...

You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.

What Planet Are You From?

Sometimes even the simplest things can be the most profound.
Sleep in the open air and feel the dew on your face,

Monday, June 13, 2005

Island of Paradise...

Well, I am back from paradise. Kauai was wonderful. I barely have the words to describe how wonderful it was. My sister is putting together the cd of pictures so once she is done I will post some of the best pictures. We have over 1500 pictures (don't you love the digital world). The worst part of the vacation was when we went to Walmart on Kauai. Kauai is not like Oahu. They have very little development of the island. It is pure and wonderful-except for the few stores like walmart, Macy's, and starbucks.

They also had feral chickens, everywhere. You could not go anywhere without seeing a chicken or rooster. They are protected so you can't kill them and they are allowed to go everywhere they want. It was so cool.

I saw three turtles in the ocean up close and a few more from the boat we were on. We saw spinner dolphins. I scuba dived around one of the reefs. I ziplined (best thing I have ever done), tubbed down the interior of the island, and rode ATVs. We hiked around Waimea Canyon which is a smaller version of the Grand Canyon. I ate lots of fish. The only meals that I didn't eat fish was breakfast and a few times we had burgers and one dinner I had prime rib.

I have to go right now because I have so much to do in order to get ready to move but I have two more things to say. I saw a bumber sticker that said "If you love Kauai, send your friends to Maui." And we also found out that the government is trying to treat the native Hawaiians like they do Native Americans so that they can get their land and turn it into giant commerical property. They already have Oahu, they should not be allowed to get Kauai also.

I am off my soap box (for now).

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Off Off and Away...

So it is just one more day until I leave for Hawaii. I am sure it is getting boring to read me keep on and on about Hawaii but I am just so excited. I have never been anywhere that exotic before.

I am trying to pack everything that I own in a very short amount of time. I have had some help from Desiree, Kathy, Mom, Mike, Dad, and Janeen. However, a lot of my packing is going through everything and throwing stuff away. I think before I started discarding stuff, I had enough supplies to outfit a small city.

I picked up my diploma today and dropped off my parking permit. I am officially now free from IUPUI. I don't think it has fully hit me yet what that means.

This may be my last post until I get back from Hawaii. I leave on Friday, June 3, at 3:45 am for the airport and I will return Sunday, June 12 at 3:30 pm. I will of course post when I get back.

Just another reminder, anyone that wants to help me move is welcome. Really. I wouldn't lie to ya.

Have a wonderful night and may your dreams be true,