Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Well, its official, Kathy's diseased...

She has Graves' Disease. My sister has a disease. I thought it would be nice if I posted more about the disease so that people understand why Kathy and I keep on laughing whenever we mention it. Oh, wait, no, I can't explain it. I think we are just sick and twisted.

Graves' disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism. It occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your thyroid gland and causes it to overproduce the hormone called thyroxine. This abnormal immune response can also affect the tissue behind your eyes as well as your skin, usually on your lower legs and feet.
When you have too much thyroid hormone in your system, your body's metabolism rate can increase by 60 percent to 100 percent because thyroxine regulates your cells' metabolism. A higher metabolism can lead to a number of health problems, such as an irregular heartbeat or anxiety.
Graves' disease is rarely life-threatening. Although it may develop at any age and in either men or women, Graves' disease is more common in women and usually begins after age 20. The disorder is uncommon, affecting about five in every 10,000 people in the United States.
There's no way to stop your immune system from attacking the thyroid gland, but treatments can decrease the production of thyroxine.

Signs and symptoms of Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism may include:
Difficulty sleeping
A rapid or irregular heartbeat
A fine tremor of your hands or fingers
An increase in perspiration
Sensitivity to heat
Weight loss, despite normal food intake
Brittle hair
Enlargement of your thyroid gland (goiter)
Light menstrual periods
Frequent bowel movements (Hehehe)

Don't worry, we will keep everyone updated. There still is a chance that its not this disease but another one. We will know more once she has more tests done. But considering that she has most of the symptoms listed on most of the websites and in my textbooks, Kathy and I are pretty sure this is her disease, well until the doctors tell us something different.

Kathy is so Goth, she has Graves' Disease,

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yipee for me...

I got an A in my first graduate course in graduate school!!! I am so excited. Now if I can keep it up and get straight A's then I have the chance of getting a scholarship and it never hurts getting more money. Well, that and it would be great for my career.

I am looking forward to having fun this weekend. The weather sucks right now but it is suppose to be beautiful this weekend.


Monday, August 29, 2005

The City of New Orleans...

So let us all keep our fingers crossed that the hurricane doesn't beat up New Orleans too bad. The news stations are saying that the hurricane has turned enough so that the worse of the storm won't actually hit the city (at least as of right now). They are still going to be hit with a lot but since I haven't been there yet and I am more important than this storm, New Orleans has to come out ok.

There has also been a lot of talk about gas prices going up again over this weekend because of the high amount of oil rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico. This means that all the people coming to visit me this weekend should probably car pool to keep down cost. Because you know I am also more important than gas prices and I am expecting people to come and see me this weekend. Of course, I do want to make mention that I understand if it is too expensive. But if you can't make it for one reason or another-please call.

Anyways, good luck to New Orleans and all the people that call her home,

Saturday, August 27, 2005

So I feel the idiot...

I have been looking for at least a year for a song that Carmel High School's radio station use to play. When I was in Chicago last summer, I thought I had heard the band that played the song and my sister said that band was The Pogues. So I have been combing songs by The Pogues looking for the song. Thursday night my classmate Erin suggested googling the lyrics that I remembered. So today when I did that I realized that the band I should have been looking for was Flogging Molly and the song was What's left of the Flag. Now I am complete. That and iTunes have another of my 99 cents, but I think that is ok. It is cheaper than buying the whole albumn for one song. And it is also legit.

Well, I am now going to go watch some movies and some anime. Exciting Saturday night. But then again I had my outings on Thursday and Friday with Des here. On Thursday we met two of my classmates out for dinner at Olive Garden and then we went home and watched my recorded episodes of Ghost Hunters on Scifi. I went to work on Friday, was allowed to leave early since I had worked late Mon, Tues, and Thurs. We went and saw The Brothers Grimm (bad bad bad bad bad movie) and had dinner at Jack Quinn's, my local bar that is in Kentucky. We went back to my house and watched anime.

I plan on doing laundry tomorrow, yuck. I really don't look forward to it but it is better than having everyone around me pass out from the smell.

Good day to ya,

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Busy little bee...

So yeah I haven't posted in a little while. I have been responding to my wonderful friends and family that have posted, I just have been such an industrious little bee the last couple days that I haven't had time to sit down and write what has been going on.

I had my final in my class on Monday so I have officially finished by first graduate class in graduate school (I did take one graduate class as an undergrad). I don't know how I did as of yet but will let people know when I do.

Other than that, I have been hard at work trying to get my experiment working. I am usually (as of this week) here from around 8:45 till 5:45. I think we are close to having a break through. Luckily, I found out that I am not the only first year having problems. That makes me feel better.

On the homefront, I am not doing much. I spent the weekend recuperating from Chicago and studying for my test. Juna and I had some quality time together and I bought her a new toy. She has me so wrapped around her paw.

This weekend I am looking forward to getting everything ready for my visitors for Labor Day-which I would like those who will be joining me to let me know so that I can plan. If there are any special requests, let me know and I can see what I can do.

Oh, I did see Dukes of Hazzard. It brought me back to my roots. Willie Nelson is great as Uncle Jesse and I have always had a soft spot for Sean William Scott. It was funny and low maintenence. Sometimes it is nice to see a movie that doesn't require you to do advanced math to understand.


Thursday, August 18, 2005

How the west was won...

I am not quite sure but I think it involved a lot of dead people. Again I am at work, trying hard to make my experiment work. We got extremely close yesterday and I am just adjusting two things that will hopefully bring the background noise down so it will be easier to count the cells in the lung tissue.

So tomorrow night is the Summer Mixer for my department. I am going despite the fact that everything in me is screaming "no, don't go, I don't want to go." I am figuring that I will have fun and meet a lot of people that will help me in my career. On the other hand, I just really hate faking that I want to be in a conversation about stuff I really don't care about. I may be wrong and I will find some people having a great conversation about whether or not there is a mind and how we could tell if there was such a thing-and that Descartes is an ass. But I am not holding my breath.

I enjoy talking science to people but I get very uncomfortable when I have to talk science to people that I am well aware know so much more than me. In those cases, I like to listen and not talk. But ultimately they end up asking me a question that I have to answer. Urgh.

So I have been reading a lot of fantasy recently. I just finished The Tamuli by David Eddings. I have read those books at least five times in the past but I really enjoy them. Now I am taking myself even further back in my reading past and I started Magician: Apprentice today by Raymond Feist.

I hope that everyone has a great book to read,

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ohio Renaissance Festival...

So every year there is a ren fair close to my apartment (about an hour away) that Kathy, Mom and I have been to in the past. This year I am going to the Viking weekend for sure but if anyone else is interested, just let me know and I can see what I have available.

September 10 & 11

Swashbucklers Weekend

Ahoy mates! Cast your troubles overboard and let your cares walk the plank as the Festival is invaded by swashbucklers. Rollicking sea chanteys, an Arrgh! contest and a Pirate Stunt Show on the impressive 65’ galleon ship await ye land-lovers.


September 17 & 18

Romance Weekend - Sponsored by Valley Vineyards

Hang onto your hearts! Flirting is legal this weekend! Married couples may take part in a mass Renewal of Vows ceremony each day in St. Peter's Chapel. Singles get a chance to meet and mingle around the village.


September 24 & 25

Feast of Fools Weekend

It’s OK to be foolish this weekend! The village is filled with fools of all sizes and their foolish antics. You’d be a fool to miss the Fools Olympics and King of Fools contest!


October 1 & 2

Nordic Adventures Weekend

Visitors from the Northland bring Viking revelry to the village. Put on your horns, braids, and beards for a full day of Nordic adventure!


October 8 & 9

Highland Fling Weekend - Sponsored by Tennent's

Kilts, bagpipes and high-spirited competitions are the order of the day. Witness feats of strength, speed and skill as contestants compete in Highland Games. Bring the whole clan!


October 15 & 16

Fall Follies Weekend - Sponsored by Hardcore

Join in the celebration as the village welcomes the fall season! Don’t miss the epic battle between summer and fall during the watermelons vs. pumpkins war while enjoying the finest seasonal foods and ales in the land.

For more information the website is:

I gather thee to thy side,

Monday, August 15, 2005

Smut and Eggs....

So Kathy and I went to Chicago this weekend to see our cousin Alison who was there for a conference. We had a wonderful time. I got to her apartment on Friday and we went and fed the dogs and hung out with Mom and Mike and their friend Ginny for a little while. Then we went back to Kathy's house and watched Dirty Jobs on Discovery. The show is interesting and really funny.

We got up early Saturday and got out of town around 9 am. The drive was pleasant with only the middle irritation of other people being on the road. When we got to Chicago at noon, we went straight to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry so that we could see the Body Worlds-I really can't truly explain in in words so here is the website

We stood in line for an hour and by the time we got to the front, we decided that since the next showing of the exhibt would be 6:30pm, we would just buy tickets for Sunday-at 9:30 am. We left and headed to our hotel, which was the Congress Plaza Hotel. The hotel was ok. It is right on Michigan so that was cool and it was a place to stay that I didn't have to pay for. It was just very interesting. I think it might be one of the oldest hotels I have ever stayed in and I wish I could have seen it in its prime.

Kathy and I then walked to Eddie Bauer on Michigan street (which was quite a ways from our hotel) to meet up with Alison, who was protesting Eddie Bauer's use of children in sweatshops. After, Alison had to take off for a workshop, we went shopping-well not actually shopping since we didn't buy anything but food and drinks. After a time, we went back to our hotel, where Alison and her friend Paul met us. Paul is going to Northwestern for his PhD in a biomedical science like me. Alison went to high school with him in New Mexico.

We took the L to Wigleyville and had dinner and then went to a bar. We proceded to get drunk. Our main focus for the night was Smut and Eggs but since no one else was there I just can't explain it. Really. You had to be there.

Paul led us back to the L and we got on. Since his apartment was sooner than our hotel, he gave us instructions and then got off at his stop. Alison, Kathy, and I got off at the right stop but then started to walk in the wrong direction. We stopped and got Dunkin Donuts, as some guys the way to the lake, and then decided that since we were at least 2 miles away from the hotel, got a cab-I know that the cab ride was $5.00 so I am just glad we didn't walk that. We ate our donuts and went to bed. We then proceded to get up at 8:15 am so that Kat and I could get to the museum and Alison had to go back to her conference.

The museum was packed but the exhibit made it worth while. We left Chicago around 2 pm and I finally made it back to Cinci around 7 pm. I had a lot of fun and really enjoy going drinking with Alison, Kathy, Paul, and the gay guys we met at the bar-Keith and Patrick. I just am now soo tired and worn out. I have not yet decided, but I might not be coming back to Indy for Gencon because I am just so needing to not travel for a little while. I will let everyone know of my decision before this weekend.

Smut and Eggs,

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dig a little deeper...

I have for most of my life looked at astrology and such things with a fascination that at times could be viewed as an obsession. At the same time, I also look at it for what it is, a nice story.

I have a dilemia, I know that my sun sign is in Pisces. I know I am a boar (chinese astrology not my eating habits).

Piscean Pig
These pigs have great artistic skills. Their main desires and source of happiness in life stem from being loved, and feeling secure. These people are very considerate and tolerant, and will often do anything to try to keep a relationship going.

However, I was born on the cusp for my moon sign. I am either a Pisces/Pisces or a Pisces/Aquarius. What do you thing?

12-11 Pisces/Aquarius
The combination of Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aquarius produces crusaders of all sorts. Emotional sensitivity and intuitive perceptions of Pisces is blended with the friendliness, originality and independence of Aquarius. People enjoy your company because you are so easygoing, charming and versatile. A cheerful outlook and the ability to make acquaintances easily usually results in the development of a large circle of friends. People interest you, and you possess what may be termed true humanitarian and philanthropic inclinations. You can find success in business because of your ability to get along easily with people and make friends out of strangers. Despite this ease of cooperation, there is a lot of independence in your nature and you dislike the dull and the routine. At times you may experience sudden and perhaps unexplainable changes in mood or feeling. Progressive inclinations and original thought are your greatest assets. You are a dedicated person in that you must come to believe firmly in what you are doing. Once you are completely convinced of the worth or value of a cause or of a product, your talent for persuasive speech and quiet persistence assures success. Conversely, when you are less than fully convinced of the value of a program, you are not nearly so effective. You have a very original way of thinking and acting that combines the intellectual with the emotional. A strong inner imagination blends your feelings with your intellect, keeping you from being either too coldly intellectual or too emotional.

12-12 Pisces/Pisces
The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produced a highly restrained personality and one that is quite difficult for the world to understand. You are highly introspective, almost to the extent that the outer world around you seems odd and full of what you perceive as weird notions. In many ways, you have a very warm and likable quality if you are ever able to allow yourself to open up to others and let these traits show. Chances are you don't. You have an enormous faith in your intuition and your self-sufficiency, when in fact, you are very much in need of relationships and company. A tendency to withdraw into yourself to nurse some private idea that you can't get across or won't bother to get across, makes you strangely inaccessible. While you can appear tractable, reasonable and interested in others, you are probably all wound up inside and chiefly concerned with your own fears and concerns about life. Such a private internal existence may gradually cause you to become too isolated in your viewpoints, thinking, and living, causing you to be very lonely. You are so sensitive that you are afraid of being hurt by contact with the world; you seem to prefer withdrawal to encounter. In handling your work, you are by nature very painstaking and accurate in detail, and very strong for duty and fulfilling obligations. Mentally you are quick, perceptive, intuitive, with an almost mystic belief in your hunches. Insight is your great strength, and you have an uncanny way of seeing the core and substance of things, even if from a too personal point of view.

Traa Laa Laa,

Deep thoughts...

I love to sleep but I hate to go to sleep.

Or maybe I am just addicted to Dead Like Me.


Two hours of my life that I will never get back...

So today in class (as well as monday)we had a lecturer that loves bioinformatics. In case you don't know what this is, it is using technology to understand biology. Like computers and software that are designed to look at the details of biological work and come up with a solution. A lot of bioinformatics has revolutionized the way that science is done. The Human Genome Project would not have been able to be done if it hadn't existed. However, there is a fine line between a biologist and a computer scientist when dealing with bioinformatics and the guy this morning crossed it about fifty times.

He went to websites, talked about the bioinformatics program and told us about his idol (who happens to teach the Intro to Bioinformatics) for two hours. Then when Amanda asked him what type of question he would ask on the test (since we can't go to random websites on the test) he first told us that in the past he has been "blasted" as the worse lecturer and to please not to do it this year to him. Then he went on to complain about the whole UC system of classes.

I just got a little irritated that someone tried to 'convert' me to a different program, said that in order to use biology programs to the best degree I have to use Linux, and that everyone should really know how to write in Perle. ARRGG! If I wanted to be a freakin computer science major I would be. I want to do real research with real results.

Have to go, I am at work.

Have fun and try not to be annoying to people around you,

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A wonderful weekend spent with friends...

I had a great weekend this weekend. Kathy had a cocktail party for her birthday. It was so much fun. I think that everyone else also had a great time. I got a little rambunchious (not quite sure that is the correct spelling) and wore some outfits that I would not normally wear but they made my sister happy and I was slightly tipsy so I was more comfortable. I never really do things I don't want to do when I am drunk, I just do things that I don't have the balls to do when I am sober. I also usually say things that I want to say but keep inside normally.

I just bought online (you got to love the fact you can buy a song online for only 99 cents) The Man who sold the world by Nirvana and Jordis Unga. Jordis Unga is a contestant on Rockstar INXS. I know stupid right? Wrong. She has a beautiful voice. I like the show because it is letting real rock music take center stage-unlike American Idol. These people can actually sing. In addition, I freely admit that there are reality tv shows I like. I usually like the ones that have some real life changing prize at the end of them.

I have to go to bed now,

Friday, August 05, 2005

Kathy's birthday tomorrow...

Tomorrow is my sister's 27th birthday. I am so excited. I love my sister so much. I am going to take her to Build-A-Bear because that is the type of person I am. I would rather buy her something she can design herself that will bring her comfort when she is cold, sad, happy, tired, and any other time she wants it.

Ok, so I started this at 11:56 am. I am just now getting back to it at 1:17 pm because of a stupid fire alarm. I am still going to get out early so I can head to Indy, but I am really ticked that I won't be able to get out as early because of an alarm. No one still knows what happened. Arg!!!

Ok, now I really have to work, so bye bye,

Monday, August 01, 2005

Another one under the belt...

So, I have gotten through another day. Sometimes it is easier than others. There is still apart of me that doesn't yet comprehend that all that I have is mine. This is my apartment. These are my things. Those are my bills. I have to actually clean now. I was definetly pampered at Dad and Neen's since they had a biweekly cleaning woman. I am also not so use to having to do my laundry out of the house. I need to suck it up and go to the laundry mat, but I don't want to go alone. I have a very fond memory of one of the only times I have been to the laundry mat. Georgia and I did a marathon laundry day/night. I think we ended up doing between us over thirty loads of laundry. What can I say she has a kid, washed some of Sam's clothes (which by the way if anyone knows how to contact Sam, I and several others would really like to see him and Curtis), I am a bad person. I luckily (unluckily) have less clothes now since Des helped me pare down my rather lackluster wardobe.

I can't wait to be home this weekend to celebrate Kat's birthday. I think it will be a lot of fun and mayhem.

Oh, before I forget, Cincinnati has a huge Labor Day weekend celebration that I thought it would be fun to have a lot of people show up for. Call me or reply to my post if you are interested. I would love some guests now that I am more settled. I am hoping to have my project finished by then so I will want to celebrate that also. Hopefully.

Unicorns mean peace,